Protelindo Group Plants 35,000 Mangrove Seedlings in Makassar, Kulon Progo, and Rinca Island as Part of Their Environmental Care Initiative
Friday, 22 December 2023 12:00
Jakarta - PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Protelindo), together with its subsidiaries PT Iforte Solusi Infotek (iForte) and PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk (STP), in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), held mangrove planting activities of more than 35 thousand seedlings with a total planting area of 10 hectares. This activity was carried out in Makassar – South Sulawesi, Kulon Progo – DI. Yogyakarta and Rinca Island, West Manggarai – NTT, and involving company management, employees, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Department, the Watershed Management Agency (BPDAS), the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, the local government, the community in the mangrove planting area and the Protelindo group customers.
The first series of mangrove planting events were conducted in the Lantebung Mangrove Forest touristic area, Makassar, South Sulawesi on November 29th, 2023, by PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk, covering 3 hectares. The second planting of 4 hectares was carried out in the Kulon Progo coastal mangrove touristic area, the Special Region of Yogyakarta by PT Iforte Solusi Infotek on December 2nd, 2023, and the third planting activity was organised on December 7th, 2023, in Rinca Island, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara by PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia, covering three hectares.
In carrying out its social responsibility as a corporate entity, Protelindo Group should contribute to the environment in which the company operates. The Mangrove plantation is an effort of the company to support the sustainability of the living environment as well as improve the quality of life of the people around the operation who are indirectly engaged with the conservation of the surrounding nature.
Dini Yahya, Chief of Sales & Marketing at Protelindo, stated, "The CSR activity of planting mangroves is going well. We are very grateful that this event can be carried out because planting mangroves is very good for the ecosystem, reducing carbon and also reforestation."
Mangrove CSR activities are Protelindo group's genuine efforts to help protect the environment for current and future generations. The initiation of the activities held is not only about planting trees but is also a responsibility towards the environment and society. Therefore, the Protelindo group is committed to continuing to monitor the seeds that have been planted so that they can grow well for three years by inviting representatives of the surrounding community to become the program section.
"This activity is perfect for us and the community also country in general, because mangroves can help withstand tsunamis, help prevent abrasion and become a home for marine biota. Planting mangroves is also good for sustainability for present and future generations. Apart from that, mangroves can also become a tourist attraction. I think this program is excellent. Thank you, Protelindo Group, as our partner." said Juanita Erawati, Vice President of Area Network Operations Java Bali Telkomsel.
"The Protelindo group's efforts are greatly appreciated and welcomed by the environmental service. In order to develop natural ecosystems, particularly in coastal areas, perhaps this work can go on," said Ferdy Mochtar, head of the Makassar City Ministry of Environment and Forestry Service.
Protelindo group's collaborative efforts with the Central and Regional Ministry of Environment and Forestry, as well as the involvement of local communities in the initial process of determining seed types, planting locations and planting maintenance, are efforts to create a positive impact on the ecosystem and can provide economic opportunities for local communities, because by restoring mangroves, we can contribute to ocean health, reduce the effects of climate change, and build a sustainable future.